Extended opening hours during February heatwave

We’re in for some brutal heat this week. Can you imagine having to face this weather without shelter, air-conditioning, or even a glass of cold water?
To help people doing it tough, we’re extending our opening hours until 5pm from Tuesday 21 – Friday 24 February.
If you’re at risk of or experiencing homelessness, pop into 258 Hutt Street for a friendly chat and a cool spot to unwind. Support includes:
- Healthy meals
- Showers
- Laundry facilities
- Lockers
- Health check-ups
- Essentials like underwear, toiletries and clothing
- Help to obtain ID and accessing government services
- Connection with work, study and housing opportunities.
For more information about our services, call us on 8418 2500. For urgent support, contact Homeless Connect on 1800 003 308 (free call 24/7).
A huge thank you to Hutt St Centre's generous supporters – your kindness keeps our doors open for people when they need us most.