Tasting Australia visits Hutt St Centre

Tasting Australia may be over for another year, but they aren't done sharing the love of good South Aussie food just yet!
As part of our charity partnership with Tasting Australia, a crew from the South Australian Tourism Commission and Sprout Cooking School & Health Studio visited Hutt St Centre last week to provide a delicious lunch for people at risk of or experiencing homelessness. We also welcomed our pals from Forage Supply Co , including Hutt St Centre Ambassador Justin Westhoff, to plate up a delicious plant-based option.
On the menu was roast chicken roulade with turnips and seasonal greens or dahl with white rice, served alongside our Kitchen Manager Peter's famous roast spuds.
Hutt St Centre client, Della*, said, "The food's always good here but today was really special. It's nice to know people care so much about us."
The teams from Tasting Australia, Sprout, Forage and Hutt St Centre loved working together to showcase SA's incredible produce and deliver a first-class dining experience for people doing it tough.
Sprout’s Managing Director, Themis, said he was moved by the warm welcome and practical support Hutt St Centre provides to help people experiencing homelessness change their circumstances for good.
A big thank you to everyone involved in making this initiative possible.
*While this name has been changed for privacy, this story is true and reflects how important your generosity is for helping people make their steps out of homelessness.