We remember them

Today we remember and reflect on the service of all Veterans and their families, whose selfless courage makes us the nation we are today.
In 1954, when the Sisters of the Daughters of Charity arrived in Adelaide, they found a number of men living in the Park Lands and nearby rooming houses.
Many were Veterans who had returned from recent conflicts to face unemployment, the breakdown of marriages, and the ongoing trauma of their experiences of war.
With no money and depending upon Divine Providence, the Sisters set about caring for their basic needs, giving them hot tea and sandwiches at the gates of what is now Hutt St Centre.
This tradition has continued over the years, with us working alongside many Veterans of modern-day conflicts and their families who are at risk of or experiencing homelessness.
We are grateful to our community for enabling us to provide this vital care for Veterans and their families, as they work to rebuild their lives.
We also understand Anzac Day can be a traumatic time for many people in our Veteran community. For a list of resources and support, please visit: http://bit.ly/AssistN
Lest We Forget.
Image credit: Indigenous Liaison Officer Flight Lieutenant Steven Warrior conducts a smoking ceremony during a 2021 Anzac Day commemoration service in Adelaide. Image by LAC Sam Price, courtesy of the Department of Defence Image Library.