A life-changing gift for Tilly

You might remember before Christmas we introduced you to Tilly*, a young woman who found herself sleeping rough on the streets of Adelaide after moving from the country for mental health treatment.
When she eventually left hospital, Tilly had nothing but the clothes on her back. No support, no money, no friends, not even a place to stay.
Tilly found Hutt St Centre when she was at her lowest point – hungry, scared and alone. Inside, she was greeted with a warm welcome, a healthy meal, and help with the first steps to find a home.
“I have needed Hutt St many times and I’m so grateful for their help,” Tilly says.
“When I had no money for food, they gave me something to eat. At the time, I thought, ‘Where does this come from? And now I know – it’s thanks to people who give to Hutt St Centre.”
Thanks to the kindness of our community, Tilly found the support she needed, right when she needed it most. Now she’s returned to her hometown and helps people who are on their own journey of recovery from mental health issues and addiction.
“A few years ago, I was sleeping in a gutter. Now I have my own place with my dog – I have fairy lights up in my room and plants everywhere. I feel so lucky, it’s unbelievable.”
We’re so happy to share Tilly’s positive outcome with you. Thank you for ensuring we could be here to help her on the journey out of homelessness.
Your kindness offers hope for more than 850 people who walk through our doors in search of help every month. That's a truly life-changing gift.
*At Hutt St Centre we respect everyone who comes to us for help – and many are working toward a fresh start in life. So while this is a true story, names and images have been changed to protect their privacy. Thank you for understanding.