What makes A Good Life for you?

Over the past 12 months, participants of A Good Life Project have been exploring one essential question: What makes a good life for you?
Participants come from all walks of life. Some have experienced or been at risk of homelessness. Many have found themselves isolated or disconnected from their community. But what unites them is their drive to build new skills and make meaningful connections.
Through weekly workshops in theatre, poetry, art, music and photography, the group has produced a theatre performance, a haiku poetry and art book and, most recently, this art exhibition in collaboration with participants from Hutt St Centre’s Creative Hub.
Due to COVID-19, we had to adapt our plans for a public exhibition but we’re thrilled to share with you this video showcasing some of the incredible work resulting from A Good Life Project.
A special thank you to the following partners and supporters, who made the project possible:
- The Office for Ageing Well, SA Health
- The Australian Centre for Social Innovation
- Vintage Creative Therapies
- The Women with Latitude Choir
- Beverly Allen, Meditation and Mindfulness Coach
Heartfelt thanks to our Theatre Buddies and all volunteers who contributed to the project, as well as all clients and participants who bravely expressed what a good life means to them.
And, of course, thank you to Hutt St Centre’s generous supporters who ensure our doors remain open to people experiencing homelessness. Your kindness makes opportunities like this possible.