November 2021
Restoring hope with JusticeNet's free legal service
on 29/11/2021

Meet Jason. He’s a lawyer volunteering with JusticeNet SA's Homeless Legal service, providing independent legal advice and advocacy for people experiencing homelessness in Adelaide. Volunteers from JusticeNet are onsite weekly here at Hutt St Centre to support people with a range of legal issues – from wills, fines and civil...
A Place of Courage
on 23/11/2021

Join our friends from Spirit of Woman on Thursday 25 November as they launch Australia’s first public tribute to the victims and survivors of domestic and family violence at Rotary Park, Christies Beach. Domestic and family violence (DFV) is a leading cause of homelessness across Australia. Around eight out of...
Gardening offers a fresh perspective
on 17/11/2021

It's heartbreaking to share that more than 70% of people who walk through our doors for support tell us they don't have anything meaningful happening in their daily lives. And it’s so tough to face the day when you feel like you've got nothing to look forward to. But some...
Celebrating World Kindness Day 2021
on 12/11/2021

Saturday 13 November is one of our favourite days of the year here at Hutt St Centre – World Kindness Day! We couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than by sharing these beautiful words on behalf of Neil*, who was living in an unsafe environment and battling a...
Lest We Forget
on 11/11/2021

In 1954, when the Sisters of the Daughters of Charity arrived in Adelaide, they found a number of men living in the Park Lands and nearby rooming houses. Many were veterans who had returned from recent conflicts to face unemployment, the breakdown of marriages, and the ongoing trauma of their...