September 2021
Why building trust takes time
on 30/09/2021

We're all on a different journey – and that's okay. Each person who walks through our doors at Hutt St Centre has a different story to tell, but sadly there are some common experiences. Three out of every four people who come to us for support have survived abuse or...
Amplifying the voices of people experiencing homelessness
on 22/09/2021

Here at Hutt St Centre, we’re committed to supporting people with a lived experience of homelessness in a way that includes and empowers them. We walk alongside people on their journey to homefulness. As part of this mission, we have implemented a monthly Town Hall meeting for clients of Hutt...
There is strength in kindness
on 16/09/2021

In our work here at Hutt St Centre, we hear heartbreaking stories every day. Three-quarters of the people who walk through our doors for support tell us their homelessness can be traced back to a period of abuse or trauma. And more than half experience further violence on the streets....
Food for people, planet and soul
on 15/09/2021

We’re thrilled to be working alongside our friends at OzHarvestSA to help people at risk of or experiencing homelessness develop skills for preparing healthy and delicious meals on a budget. Each week in this 6-week course, participants learn about healthy eating, food safety and easy, affordable cooking. Then they get...
What makes a house a home?
on 14/09/2021

What makes a house a home? It might be your family around the dinner table. A beloved pet greeting you at the door. Or that feeling of knowing you’re exactly where you should be. For Evan*, it’s a garden. When our Occupational Therapist, Gabrielle, began working with Evan, he’d moved...
The value of connection
on 09/09/2021

Today is R U OK? Day – it's a great reminder that keeping connected is vital for health and wellbeing. And it means even more when people are on their journey towards homefulness. “You don’t realise how important it is to feel connected until you’re disconnected,” says Ralph*, who participates...