May 2019
Priscilla provides free haircuts
on 21/05/2019

Wonderful way to start the week for our clients with Priscilla, TAFE SA's mobile hair and beauty salon, stopping at Hutt St Centre to provide free haircuts. Many thanks to the TAFE SA barbers and lecturers for their chats, kindness and generosity.
Connections Week 2019
on 20/05/2019

Today kicks off the second annual Connections Week where 280 volunteers and workers strive to learn the names and needs of people sleeping rough in Adelaide. Connections Week is a collaborative effort by Don Dunstan Foundation, Neami, Hutt St Centre and other Adelaide Zero Project Partners. The Community Briefing will...
Volunteers, making a world of difference
on 20/05/2019

National Volunteer Week, 20-26 May 2019, is the annual celebration to acknowledge the generous contribution of our nation’s volunteers. This morning a group of volunteers participated in the Volunteer Parade representing Hutt St Centre. We are incredibly grateful to our wonderful volunteers who certainly make a world of difference here...