Relecting back on the year

Reflecting back on the year, we are struck by the incredible strength of people who have faced challenges beyond what most of us can comprehend, and to see how far they have come and the progress they’ve made towards building a new life.
Resilience is something that we see expertly carried out by people facing homelessness.
We meet people at their lowest point in life; homeless and sleeping rough, and often too scared or ashamed to ask for help and seek support. Thankfully, we have an incredible team of staff and volunteers who are able to provide a safe, friendly, and non-judgemental environment that encourages people to open up and accept support.
We often see this resilience in people turn into determination, and despite personal challenges, people can use this force to turn their lives around with the right support.
Using past lessons to inform future choices is a display of resilience, and we have seen this come to fruition in the most powerful ways.
We wouldn’t be able to do this important work without the incredible generosity of the South Australian community, so we thank you for your ongoing support.
We are dedicated to helping end homelessness for each and every person who walks through our doors, with care and without judgement.