Getting Active Together

Our Health and Well-being program aims to provide regular opportunities for people to be engaged in physical and social activities, as these can have significant benefits to mental health and general well-being.
It’s also a great way for people to make friends, talk to staff, volunteers, and other people who are going through tough times about their experiences.
Last week we organised an outing to Bonython Park with a group of people to get outdoors, and it’s safe to say that the fresh air and change of scene did us all good!
On the day one person reflected on positive experiences they’d had at Hutt St Centre. They explained they had never any judgement, never felt ‘different’ and always felt respected and well-liked. This person mentioned they almost didn’t join us for the activity, but said they were very glad to have decided to come along, as they felt much better for it.
Others on the day were happy to be getting active: some playing cricket, some swinging on swings, some blowing bubbles, some just chatting to others and some even giving the egg and spoon race a go! It was wonderful taking this time out, playing games and participating in shared activities and a meaningful way to end the week. We hope to do it again soon!