April 2017
Day Centre Easter Hours
on 13/04/2017

The team at Hutt St Centre would like to wish everyone a safe and happy Easter! Our Day Centre opening hours over Easter are: Friday 14 April: 9am – 1pm (with a cooked lunch) Saturday 15 April: Closed Sunday 16 April: 9am – 11am (with a cooked lunch) Monday 17...
An Update on Ray

In our Christmas Appeal we shared Ray’s* story, one of our friends who has battled many demons over the years. Ray bravely told us his story, which is quite special in itself, and we are so happy to share with you that Ray is off the streets and now living...
Street Crew and our mission to know every person sleeping rough

On Saturday 25 February we joined forces with the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion, City of Adelaide, Baptist Care SA, HYPA and Uniting Communities to launch Street Crew - an outreach service to better support people sleeping rough in Adelaide. Late last year when we collectively learnt that 75%...
The Outsiders - penning new songs
on 12/04/2017

Inspiring Achiever Joao, from "The Outsiders" band, enjoying tinkering the ivorie at Government House. The Hutt St Centre band ‘The Outsiders’ have been hard at work over the last few weeks working with two professionals, Banjo Jackson and Kaurna Cronin, to learn about song writing. They’ve already put together a...
Mad March provides employment opportunities

We firmly believe learning new skills changes an attitude; positive experiences change self-perception and getting a job changes lives. One of the satisfying parts of our work is moving people into housing, providing follow up supports and helping people secure employment – to help end their homelessness permanently. With the...
Finding hidden talents
on 12/04/2017

Every Monday you will find a group of budding artists exploring and discovering their hidden artistic talents at Hutt St Centre. The art mentors have encouraged the group to focus on a theme of nature, wildlife and landscapes and some lovely work has emerged. In February, Bunnings Mile End Café...
Inspiring Achievers Awards

On Wednesday 15 February we had the pleasure of celebrating and recognising the accomplishments of some truly amazing people at our inaugural Inspiring Achievers Awards. It was an evening of immense pride and joy for all staff, volunteers and award recipients. For many people coming through our doors the opportunity...
Diary notes - don't miss these dates!
Dulcie’s Bus of Real Opportunity’s next stop Barossa Vintage Festival on Sunday 23 April, then Burra Vintage Fair 6-7 May. Dulcie’s Bus is continuously stocked with fabulous vintage wares. Look out for the Beans Talk Coffee Cart, a social enterprise initiative of Hutt St Centre, brewing around Adelaide. Find them...