A message from our ceo

Thank you to everyone who looks out for our people at Hutt St Centre in so many ways. Your support is
so important to every person who walks through our doors. Winter this year was certainly the toughest,
most brutal season we have witnessed for a long time, so your help this year was more vital than ever.
The numbers of people accessing our services went through the roof, and in 2 months alone we saw
198 new people accessing our services. In a quiet month we may only see 35-40 new people, so this
escalation in numbers was particularly worrying. Our case management figures are currently at an
all-time high, reflecting the current state of homelessness in South Australia.
Last month our teams assisted 48 rough sleepers into a mixture of crisis accommodation, and short
and long term housing. A further 252 people were provided additional support in their homes to
ensure a successful transition out of homelessness. We are particularly proud of Robert, a long-time
rough sleeper who, with our support, has found employment and housing in a regional community.
Robert is loving his new found independence, job and housing security, and he emails us regular
updates on his new life.
News on the Social Impact Bond is very close which, if successful, will be an Australian first in our
sector. We are also starting to explore the long awaited rebuild of the Day Centre, to provide a
purpose built, modern facility to offer greater pathways out of homelessness.
Keep an eye on our social media for news on the projects and developments we have in the pipeline.
Enjoy the sunnier weather!
Ian Cox
Chief Executive Officer