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Hutt St Centre

December 2015

Wings That Work

Posted by Hutt St Centre

on 15/12/2015

Can you imagine crying when offered your first paid job? Well this was the reaction of one of our clients, Lucinda, when GOGO Events recently employed five women from our Pathways program in casual work. Along with five other women from The Big Issue, they were employed to make 50...

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CEO News - December

Posted by Hutt St Centre

on 15/12/2015

  It has certainly been a memorable year with Hutt St Centre continuing to achieve incredible outcomes and hear inspiring stories of success from our clients every day. Last month 18 clients found employment through our Pathways to Employment program, setting up for big concerts in town; Fleetwood Mac and ACDC....

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Business Lunch with Scott Morrison

Posted by Hutt St Centre

on 15/12/2015

  More than 470 guests filled the Ian McLachlan Room at the Adelaide Oval on the 18th November to hear the Federal Treasurer Scott Morrison present his views on building a prosperous country and the opportunities and implications for South Australia. Initially Malcolm Turnbull was booked for this lunch but with...

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Mt Lofty Project

Posted by Hutt St Centre

on 15/12/2015

 In June this year Hutt St Centre began a joint project with Mt Lofty House. The project - to establish a community kitchen garden - has given some of our client's the opportunity to gain valuable landscaping experience. This fantastic project has now expanded to incorporate the rejuvenation of some...

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Posted by Hutt St Centre

on 15/12/2015

  Not only did 6,585 people walk a mile for the 6,000 people who experience homelessness each year, you have helped raise $220,000 to ensure we can keep our Day Centre doors open. This is a truly magnificent result for Hutt St Centre and continues to enable the people we are...

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Posted by Hutt St Centre

on 15/12/2015

  An upbringing with little support or positive guidance led Rolly to long-term chronic rough sleeping. Struggling with mental health issues, he was reluctant to engage with formal support structures. Rolly was well liked, but was a lost soul and found it hard to address his health and housing needs. Rolly...

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