Compassionate Community Dinner, Madame Hanoi cooks for us

On July 8th our Meal Centre was transformed into a French/Vietnamese inspired café for our second compassionATE community dinner. With the dining room brimming to capacity, jazzy French music filling the air and the delicious aromas of exotic herbs filtering through the crowd, there was a great sense of curiosity and excited expectation. The menu did not disappoint! Nic Watt, founder of Madame Hanoi and highly acclaimed international chef, flew in especially from Auckland to oversee his team of 8 from the restaurant as they expertly prepared the feast.
Adelaide Casino were generous with their supply of wine, while the Madame Hanoi team created quality dishes to savour. Hosted by our entertaining patron Amanda Vanstone, the evening was a hit with 50 happy diners licking the chili chocolate tart from their lips as they left.
The evening raised close to $4,500 for our services. The next compassionATE community dinner will be held later in the year. Keep an eye on our facebook page for further details.