September 2015
on 15/09/2015

Last week one of our more vulnerable clients, Scott, asked Phill from our Day Centre "what would make you happy?" Phill replied 'a toasted cheese sandwich!' 'Is that all you want?' said Scott a little surprised. "Well' said Phill, 'it would be just perfect with ham and of course some...
A hearfelt send off from the Day Centre
on 05/09/2015
It is a great reflection on Hutt St Centre and our culture that we have a number of staff who have been with us for more than 10 years. One of our longest serving team members, Sue, retired in July. Sue started in the Day Centre in 1999 where she...
Compassionate Community Dinner, Madame Hanoi cooks for us
on 01/09/2015

On July 8th our Meal Centre was transformed into a French/Vietnamese inspired café for our second compassionATE community dinner. With the dining room brimming to capacity, jazzy French music filling the air and the delicious aromas of exotic herbs filtering through the crowd, there was a great sense of curiosity...