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Hutt St Centre

Thank You for Empowering Older People Experiencing Homelessness

Older adults experiencing homelessness are at risk of being invisible in our community. Your kindness ensures they are seen and heard at Hutt St Centre.

More than 45% of people seeking help at Hutt St Centre are aged 45 years and older, making services focused on positive ageing crucial to help them feel empowered, respected, and independent.

The aged care system is already difficult to navigate without the added challenge of not having a fixed address, ID, or regular access to a computer or phone. These are the barriers that people experiencing homelessness face when accessing essential support services.

With 85 attendees, our inaugural Positive Ageing Expo held on 4 October 2023 helped older people at risk of or experiencing homelessness gain a better understanding of the organisations and programs available to support their health, wellbeing and independence as they age. Anne* regularly visits Hutt St Centre and found the Expo a valuable event.

"The Expo was really great. I spoke to lots of different service providers and even brought a friend along with me. This kind of event is so important to connect with helpful services."


Events like these are made possible by our community of supporters. Thank you for sharing our belief that everyone deserves to age with dignity.  


 *While some names and images have been changed for privacy, these stories are very real and reflect how important your generosity is for helping people make their steps out of homelessness.



Read More of The Word from the Street 

Joe's Path to a Brighter Future - Thanks To You

Your support helps people experiencing homelessness obtain the essential documents and IDs they need to get back on track. Many people who walk through our doors have no form of personal identification. This makes it impossible to register for government services, access healthcare, or apply for work and housing. But thanks to you, Hutt St Centre’s Pathways program is here...

read more about Joe's Path to a Brighter Future - Thanks To You

Click here to read the full edition