A sense of belonging – thanks to you

When Darcy* first walked through Hutt St Centre’s doors, she had nowhere else to turn. She was couch-surfing in a stranger’s living room and felt increasingly scared for her safety.
Women just like Darcy account for more than a third of people accessing our essential health and wellbeing services. And while each story is unique, there are some common threads: relationship breakdowns, violence, trauma, and abuse.
A year ago, we introduced IGNITE – a monthly event to empower women at risk of or experiencing homelessness. Thanks to your generous support, we’re proud to offer this safe and welcoming space with resources, activities and opportunities tailored to women’s specific needs.
Darcy says,
“Hutt St helped me find a unit of my own, which I’m so grateful for. But I’d probably feel very isolated if it wasn’t IGNITE… I don’t really have anyone in my life I can rely on, so getting support from women in a similar situation helps me feel less alone.”
As a result of the resounding success of IGNITE, we've now introduced manKIND – a monthly program to provide specialised support for men at risk of or experiencing homelessness. We also have a dedicated LGBTQ+ group where queer or gender-diverse can access support and resources tailored to their needs.
Innovative programs like these are made possible by the kindness of people like you. Thank you for sharing our belief that everyone deserves a safe space where they belong.
Thanks to your kindness Darcy found a safe and welcoming space to connect with others and find comfort.
*While some names and images have been changed for privacy, these stories are very real and reflect how important your generosity is for helping people make their steps out of homelessness.